ENTCOM Submission Steps

ENTCOM Submission - short version

  1. Log in to https://www.editorialmanager.com/entcom/
  2. Select the special issue ‘VSI: IFIP ICEC 2025‘ in the Article Type
  3. Start the process of attaching files. Please add ALL mandatory marked with *
    • For the highlights indicate three to five bullet points that describe your work
    • For the Title page use the template provided in the interface
    • For the Conflict of Interest go to https://declarations.elsevier.com/ and use the tool to create a document that can be uploaded directly
    • Please be careful to upload an anonymized version of your paper in ‘Manuscript WITHOUT Author Identifiers’
  4. Fill all other data requested in the submission form

ENTCOM Submission - full version

Step by step process for the special issue

1. Log in to https://www.editorialmanager.com/entcom/

2. Select the special issue ‘VSI: IFIP ICEC 2025‘ in the Article Type

3. Start the process of attaching files.

4. Fill the other files by selecting the item types accordingly. Please add at least the required files mentioned in the left, or in the drop down menu below with “*”.

  • For the highlights indicate three to five bullet points that describe your work
  • For the Title page use the template provided in the interface
  • For the Conflict of Interest go to https://declarations.elsevier.com/ and use the tool to create a document that can be uploaded directly
  • For the Declaration of interest statement, take into account that the file should be of type .docx
  • Please be careful to upload an anonymized version of your paper in ‘Manuscript WITHOUT Author Identifiers’

Once you submit all the necessary files, the list in the left part of the screen will have all items in green:

5. Add the required classifications

6. Request a specific editor (not mandatory).

7. Answer the additional information questions, as applies to your paper

8. Enter additional comments, as required

9. Add the manuscript data accordingly

10. Create the PDF for approval. You wil be asked then your publishing options. Unless you have extra funds for open access, you should select Subscription

11. Double check your submission and approve it.